Jerusha was proud when the hawaiians came to see it . 夏威夷人接二连三来参观,耶鲁雅内心喜孜孜的。
There was a subtle reason why the hawaiians tolerated chinese marriage . 夏威夷人之所以允许同中国人通婚还有一个更深刻的原因。
Others remembered not stern micah who had stolen their islands but his mother who had loved the hawaiians . 也有些人,他们不是忘不了偷走了他们群岛的道貌岸然的弥迦,而是忘不了热爱夏威夷人的弥迦的母亲。
Because of the advanced culture that the hawaiians had 由于文化的进展,夏威夷人
Yeah , are the rest of the hawaiian tropic girls there 其他的夏威夷女孩都在?